Friday, September 21, 2007

The Evil Pixie

So I go to take a shower this morning. I enjoin the girls to "babysit themselves," which makes them feel big and important. They do so. They are in Thing One (henceforward referred to as "E")'s room when I get out. Probably coloring, I think. Great, I think. I get breakfast for the baby and get started on some for us older folk. When I hear a little voice saying, self righteously, "Mommy, M cut off all of her hair and it got ALL OVER my floor, but I picked it up so it wouldn't make a mess." There are several things wrong with this statement, but of course the "cut off all her hair" got my attention first. Sure enough, there was an evil little pixie with an evil little pixie cut-slash-mullet grinning at me, not a hint of remorse in her eyes. As the story comes out, it seems that E put M up to it and even did some of the slash-and-burn herself. The result of which is no girl is allowed to use scissors again until some time in November, if ever. 

I called Marmot Dad to tell him the tale. His reaction: "I guess it's good we're not vain people." Oh, but we are a little bit. I was just planning the kids' Christmas portraits just yesterday, and now we'll have two cute little kids and one Liza Minelli (sp?), Jr. Actually, she bears a striking resemblance now to two of her Iowa cousins (unfortunately, both boys). My vanity, slight though it is, might necessitate buying some hair clips and maybe a sign that says "I am not a boy I cut off my own hair don't any of you people have kids?"

Little Tuie/Tuey/Tooey is, however, sweet and good and kind. I'm glad I've got ONE who is on my side.

1 comment:

MBC said...

BWAHAHAHA! Some day the wicked fairies will return the un-naughty M, and your blog will not be nearly as interesting.