Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Miscellaneous funny things

Here are some gems from the girls of late:

Tonight at the dinner table as M was trying to tell us something and E was interrupting--
"I'm trying to talk to you but E keeps destructing me!"

I took all the kids to the dentist on Tuesday (a fool's errand, I know) for my checkup. The girls had beads they were stringing on thread with needles, which keeps them occupied for long stretches and worked great. Until, of course, M broke her string and dropped all her beads, then lost her needle in the chair, and then sewed her necklace to her dress while she was working on it (after gathering up beads and needles again). But overall the children were exceptionally well behaved, even Tooie who sat on a chair and played with a pony. People kept coming into the exam room and remarking on how well behaved they were being. At one point the dental hygienist said, "you children are really being good while your mother is busy." "Well," answered E, "that's the kind of children we are." 

Of course, that's not always the kind of children they are. Last weekend Marmot Dad told E to get out of the muck and mud in the back yard, which muck and mud we have in spades. "No, father," answers E, "I must follow my heart." I think he almost blew a gasket.

And finally, little M has been having a great time playing Cinderella. This usually works out well for me, because she likes to do lots of cleaning and scrubbing while she's Cinderella. Of course, I get a lot of criticism while she's doing it, because of course I have to play the part of the wicked stepmother. One day when she was really getting into her role, she climbed up on a chair and confronted said wicked stepmother: "I always do all the work, and you always do all the play, and THAT'S . . . NOT . . . FAIR! So STOP BEING STEP! I am ALWAYS nice, and you are ALWAYS step!" So that's the new label in our family--as in, "wow, that person is really step!"

Tooie's latest tricks are singing an almost unrecognizable version of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and a pretty good rendition of Happy Birthday.

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