Friday, February 13, 2009

Just in time for Valentine's Day--True Love

We drive to and from school a lot. Like, every day, sometimes twice. So we get lots of quiet quality listening time. Tooie lately has always requested "Grrrrandma music," a CD that Grandma and Aunt made many years before he was born (yet I still tell him that some of the songs say "Tooie"). (Incidentally, his favorite song on the CD is what he calls "Black Jack Grrrravy.") 

Listening to Aunt sing got the girls thinking. Here's what they said:

E: M, when we grow up, let's live in different houses but in the same neighborhood so we can visit each other.

Mom: Yeah, that's like me and Aunt [until, that is, she DESERTS us in a few months]

M: But I always want to live at home. I'm not going to marry.

E: Well, your husband, who would be the daddy, could drive you to visit me.

M: No, I don't want to marry. Mommy, I don't want to marry!

Mom: Well, that's your choice. No one will make you get married. I chose to marry Daddy because I loved him and wanted to always be with him.

E: [think think think] Hmmm. I choose to marry so that when I have a baby I won't have to drive myself to the hospital.

So there you have it. In our family, our example of marital bliss boils down to this: men are basically there to drive you around. Thanks for being my best chauffeur, Marmot Dad. And happy Valentine's Day.

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