Monday, August 3, 2009

The Garden (of Eden)

Here is our glorious garden for this year (see previous post--yes, this is in part compensation for the fact that SOME PEOPLE don't like our gardening style).

Collards. Have you ever grown collards? You should. They are impossible to kill and they make lots of tasty dishes for weeks.

The staging area, where Marmot Dad keeps his hopes up that these plants will be planted somewhere this year.
The Great Onion Massacre of 2009. 
True Love. Marmot Dad does not care for rhubarb, but he brought home FOUR plants for me.
An eggplant! Houston! We have an eggplant!
Holy Sqash Bugs, Batman!
My climbing cantaloupe. Marmot Dad says cantaloupe doesn't climb. I say it does. So far he's winning. 
Peppers. Hot.
Arugula a-goin' to seed all over. And a cabbage.
Popcorn! Tooie can hardly wait to put the ears in a bag and "'tomp the corns off."
The garden from a distance. Not bad for the back half of a very very very small lot.

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