Friday, November 2, 2007

A post from E

M is sometimes mean to me. We like to play Ariel together. We like to draw pictures together. We like to write letters to each other. We write them to each other. Sometimes we are paper girls. We got to milk a cow once. When we went to the farm. When M was a baby she was cute. We like to watch many movies, scary or not scary. We like to watch Alice in Wonderland. [from M: I don't.] We like to watch Shanti and Mowgli movie. [M: We like to watch My Little Pony.] We like to play my little ponies, we like to play it. I'm going to tell you one more thing after this: hmmmmmm. Hmmmm. I didn't want you to write hmmmmm. We like to explore with magnifying glasses. We like to write names on the computer. [M: and we like to play Away in a Manger.] Just write "E doesn't like Joseph." [M: We like to play Laura and Mary.] M, we're done! And we like to ride ponies. [M: I like it when Aunt comes over to OUR house.]

1 comment:

MBC said...

Why doesn't E like Joseph?